Today we are going to teach you how to optimize the performance of your computer without having to pay a single dollar. With this article you will learn how to clean your PC to make it work better.
All the tricks that we will give you today can be applied by yourself, without the need to download any program or pay any app.
If your computer is working below the expected speed, you came to the right place , we will teach you 4 procedures that you can apply to save space and speed up your PC.
The methods that we will show you are easy to apply but really very effective. If at the end of this guide your PC continues to malfunction, we recommend you see our article on how to restore Windows from the factory.
Methods to clean PC
Follow these steps in order so that you can have your computer as organized, fast and optimized as possible.
Clean your hard drive:
Whether you have a desktop or laptop, your hard drives over the years fill with information, documents, programs and videos that make it increasingly difficult for your operating system to access and find a particular file that you have saved.
There is no magic number that answers the question How much space should I leave free on my hard drive? However, to prevent, it is best that you always have between 10 and 15 gigabytes free on any of your hard drives. It may be less, but with these numbers you are more than safe.
The first thing you should do on your own is Clean! As if it were your closet, surely you have a pair of old shirts that you never use or will use, the same with your hard drive. If you have an external hard drive, you can store only the minimum necessary inside your PC. This will greatly improve your performance.
An information-packed computer is likely to be slower.
Empty your recycle bin:
The first thing you can do after manually cleaning your hard drive is empty the recycle bin, it seems silly but many forget to delete the files sent there.
To empty the recycle bin, all you have to do is find the icon on your desktop, right click and then select the option that says “empty recycle bin”
Delete your temporary files:
Access the Windows configuration panel to remove temporary files from your system.
Click on the Windows button then select: “System”, “Storage”, “This computer”, “Temporary files” and finally from the drop-down menu select the option that says “Remove files”.
Use the hard drive liberator:
Windows has a tool that allows you to delete all downloaded program files, temporary files, search history files and files.
This tool is the space liberator of the Windows hard disk, it is available from the oldest versions and it even allows you to see how many gigabytes you will eliminate if you remove the files that the operating system recommends.
To use it, just type in the search engine the name of the tool “free up space on your hard disk”, click on it. You can decide what type of data to delete and what type of data to keep, then you will only have to choose the option that says “clean system files”
Remove programs you don’t use:
After cleaning your hard drive we recommend that you take a look at all the programs you have installed to eliminate the ones you don’t really need.
This procedure will be vital and will help you a lot to improve the overall performance on your computer. To uninstall programs, just go to “add or remove programs” a Windows tool that you can access by typing its name in the browser.
Once in the tool you will see a list with all the programs that you have installed on your computer, as well as the space that each of them occupies on your hard drive.
Browse through the list, look for the programs that are not really essential and once you find them you just have to click on uninstall.
Defragment your hard drive:
Defragmenting Windows operating systems is very simple. By default Windows should do the procedure periodically, but this setting can be disabled or failed.
A fragmented hard drive stores its files in different places. This makes it very difficult for your operating system to find any document, since the files are not online, the computer has to travel more inside the hard drive to find them.
When your hard drive is fragmented your files are divided into pieces like a puzzle and the operating system must put them together every time.
To defragment your hard disk in Windows, you only have to go to the tool that has the name “ optimize drives”, you can access it by typing its name inside the Windows search bar.
Once you are inside the window you just have to select the hard drive and click on the optimize button.
Deactivate programs at startup:
If you notice that your computer is taking too long to start, you may have unnecessary programs running every time you log into Windows.
The launch of these programs may be saturating the RAM of your computer and therefore making it work very slowly in the first minutes.
Correcting this problem is quite simple, go to the “ system settings” menu, once there click on the “start” tab look for programs that you think shouldn’t be starting every time you computer boots up.
With these 4 methods you can clean your PC and do yourself a favor by improving its performance.