Space Traveling Warriors es un título RPG que alberga al grupo más grande de personajes de Dragon Ball. Se trata de un juego móvil que brinda a los fanáticos la posibilidad de elegir entre Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Freeza, Bulma, y muchos más nombres que se volvieron icónicos e inolvidables con DBZ.
Nuestro deber será formar un equipo indestructible para salvar el mundo y para ello tendremos que elegir entre los mejores guerreros del universo de Dragon Ball. Para lograrlo, todas las líneas del tiempo han comenzado a chocar, provocando así que todos los personajes existentes de diferentes generaciones se unan para evitar el caos.
A continuación, HDG te presenta a los guerreros de Dragon Ball que están más que preparados para viajar al espacio. Obtendrás los datos precisos para conocer los niveles y el potencial de cada uno de ellos para recorrer contigo todos los rincones de Space Traveling Warriors.
Recuerda que esta es una guía de cinco Tier List recogidas de los portales más experimentados del mundo gaming. Las tablas están bastante completas, pues mencionan a todos los personajes del equipo de Space Traveling Warrior en DBZ Dokkan Battle. Al final de todas ellas encontrarás la Tier List definitiva, ¿estás listo?
Space Traveling Warriors Tier List – Touchtapplay
Uno de los aspectos que más apreciamos de este juego de Dragon Ball es sin duda la jugabilidad, ya que es bastante intuitiva y demasiado adictiva. Mientras estamos en batalla solo debemos presionar las esferas Ki justo a tiempo para atacar.
Aunque ello dependerá del personaje que elijas y para ayudarte con eso te traemos la Tier List del portal en inglés de games Touchtapplay. Esta tabla consta de cuatro niveles (S, A, B y C), siendo la S los de mejor rango, y la C, donde están los menos elegibles.
Tier | Personaje |
S | Open The Gates of Hell Cooler, Reign of Terror Frieza, Power Beyond Right & Wrong Toppo, God of Destruction Beerus, Ultimate Power Cooler, Rageful Erasure Frieza, Majesty of the Mighty Jiren, Turles, Ultimate Malign Being Super Baby 2, Boujack, Team Turles, Galaxy-Threatening Invasion Boujack, Destruction Beerus and Whis, Last-Ditch Attack Frieza |
A | Toppo/Light to Protect Peace, Saiyans Vegeta/Nappa, Onslaught of Fire and Fury Dyspo, Emperor’s Devotion Frieza, Evil Paralysis Zangya, Measure Whis, Catastrophic Rage Frieza, Dazzling Life, Strength Hit, Saiyan Strike! Vegeta, Elite Vegeta, Plucky Warrior Tora, Earth-Piercing Light Frieza, Unprecedented Tension Vados, Punishment Devastating Beerus, Wings Spread / Cosmos Pan, Victorious Smile Pan, Beerus, Cleave Cooler, Invasion Tora, Ultimate Technique Hit, Warrior Raditz, Jiren, Endless Adventure Pan & Goku & Trunks |
B | Expanding Possibility Hit, Grand Tour Companion Giru, [Low-Class, High-Octane] Bardock, Storm of Terror Frieza, Corroding Menace Super Baby 1, Angelic Instruction Whis, Heinous Attack Cooler, Definite Path Vados, Thrill of the Fight Beerus, Magnificent Squadron Thouser, Wayward God Beerus, Death Match Vegeta, Battle-Hardened Hero Bardock, Yacchaina Fist Rozie, Expert in Justice Kahseral, Greedy Attack Mode Shugesh, Namekian Mutation Lord Slug, Raditz, Suppression Turles, One Burter, Resolute Execution Cooler, Fictitious Universe’s Strongest Beerus, Dominance Through Destruction Champa |
C | Super Ribrianne, Grand Opening Team Bardock, Ginyu Force Reborn Ginyu, Infinite Power Borgos, Swirling Ambition Turles, Feverish Battlefield Borgos, Horrific Super Energy Boujack, Magnificent Hunter Kakunsa, Daring Planetary Invasion Vegeta & Raditz, Sibling Reunion Tarble, Confidence-Imbuing Moment Super Saiyan Trunks, Tyrannical Maelstrom/Boujack, The Ultimate Fighting Squadron Captain Ginyu, Brianne de Chateau, Guide to the New Beyond Whis, Ruthless Invader Raditz, Tenacious Battlefield Diva Fasha, Super Saiyan Goku Battle of Epic, Courageous Clash Captain Ginyu, Imprinted Discipline Whis, Brutal Bind Guldo, Lethal Charge Recoome, Super Baby 2 Rampaging Vengeance, Evil Namekian Lord Slug, Infinite Love Ribrianne, Life of the Party Pan, Ruffian’s Strike Shugesh, Power Demonstrated / Clashes Bardock |
Space Traveling Warriors Tier List – Gamersraft
Gamersraft es otro sitio web en inglés que está muy completo en cuanto a juegos RPG móvil como Space Traveling Warriors. Si revisas su tabla clasificatoria (S, A y B) notarás que están personajes de DBZ hasta DBS. Nuestro Saiyajin favorito Goku y sus amigos esperan a jugar con nosotros para enfrentar a Freezer, Cell, Beerus, Jiren y más. Cuéntanos en los comentarios si encontraste a tus preferidos en este artículo.
Tier | Personaje |
S | Destroyers of the Universe Team Turles, Extreme Ultimate Power Cooler, Murderous Overlord Boujack, Open The Gates of Hell Cooler (Final Form), Reign of Terror Frieza (1st Form), Hot-Blooded God of Destruction Beerus, Majesty of the Mighty Jiren (Full Power), Galaxy-Threatening Invasion Full Power Boujack (Galactic Warrior), Ultimate Malign Being Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape), Last-Ditch Attack Frieza (Full Power), Global Harmony Through Destruction Beerus & Whis, Power Beyond Right and Wrong Toppo (God of Destruction Mode), Rageful Erasure Frieza (Final Form), Explosive Evolution Turles |
A | Endless Adventure Goku (GT) & Pan (GT) & Trunks (GT), Rampaging Vicious Saiyans Nappa/Vegeta, Dazzling Life Force Bardock, Absolute Power Jiren, Devastating Punishment Beerus, Unprecedented Tension Vados, Best Measure Whis, Earth-Piercing Light Frieza (Final Form), Explosive Super Elite Vegeta, Catastrophic Rage Frieza (Final Form), Evil Paralysis Zangya, Emperor’s Devotion Frieza (Full Power), Cold-Hearted Warrior Raditz, Almighty Cleave Cooler, Umpire of Annihilation Beerus, Light to Protect Peace Toppo (Pride Troopers), Onslaught of Fire and Fury Dyspo (Super Speed Mode), Assassin’s Ultimate Technique Hit, Wings Spread Out to the Cosmos Pan (GT) (Honey), Victorious Smile Pan (GT), Total Invasion Tora, Evolution to Match Strength Hit, Plucky Low-Class Warrior Tora (Giant Ape), Saiyan Strike! Vegeta (Dokkan Butoden) |
B | Magnificent Squadron Thouser (Cooler’s Armored Squad), Confidence-Imbuing Moment Super Saiyan Trunks (GT), Storm of Terror Frieza (2nd Form), Proudest Moment Brianne de Chateau, Resolute Execution Cooler (Final Form), Life of the Party Pan (GT), Swirling Ambition Turles (Giant Ape), Angelic Instruction Whis, Tyrannical Maelstrom Full Power Boujack, Namekian Mutation Lord Slug, Wayward God Beerus, Power Demonstrated in Clashes Bardock (Giant Ape), Charming Girl’s Dance Super Ribrianne, Daring Planetary Invasion Vegeta (Kid) & Raditz (Kid), Master of the Yacchaina Fist Rozie, Absolute Suppression Turles, Magnificent Hunter Kakunsa, Grand Tour Companion Giru, Infinite Power Borgos, Battle-Hardened Hero Bardock, Ruffian’s Strike Shugesh, Heinous Attack Cooler (Final Form), Cunning Moves Fasha, Dominance Through Destruction Champa, Low-Class, High-Octane Bardock (Giant Ape), Evil Namekian Lord Slug (Giant Form), Expert in Justice Kahseral (Pride Troopers), Definite Path Vados, Rampaging Vengeance Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape), Imprinted Discipline Whis, Infinite Love Ribrianne (Giant Form), Feverish Battlefield Borgos (Giant Ape), Ruthless Invader Raditz, Ginyu Force Reborn Ginyu (Goku) (Ginyu Force), Sibling Reunion Tarble, Guide to the New Beyond Whis, The Ultimate Fighting Squadron Captain Ginyu (Ginyu Force) |

Space Traveling Warriors Tier List – Faindx
Luego tenemos a Faindx, los administradores de esta web gaming nos aseguran que los mejores guerreros se encuentran en la Tier S. Esta clasificación también es bastante resumida, y en este caso, deberíamos evitar los que están en la parte B como Heinous Attack Cooler, Angelic Instruction Whis, Death Match Vegeta o Storm of Terror Frieza, que lamentablemente no son los más fuertes de este top.
Tier | Personaje |
S | Ultimate Power Cooler, God of Destruction Beerus, Power Beyond Right & Wrong Toppo, Reign of Terror Frieza, Open The Gates of Hell Cooler, Boujack, Ultimate Malign Being Super Baby 2, Turles, Majesty of the Mighty Jiren, Rageful Erasure Frieza, Last-Ditch Attack Frieza, Destruction Beerus and Whis, Galaxy-Threatening Invasion Boujack, Team Turles |
A | Dazzling Life, Catastrophic Rage Frieza, Measure Whis, Evil Paralysis Zangya, Emperor’s Devotion Frieza, Onslaught of Fire and Fury Dyspo, Saiyans Vegeta / Nappa, Toppo / Light to Protect Peace, Unprecedented Tension Vados, Earth-Piercing Light Frieza, Plucky Warrior Tora, Elite Vegeta, Saiyan Strike! Vegeta, Strength Hit, Endless Adventure Pan & Goku & Trunks, Warrior Raditz, Ultimate Technique Hit, Jiren, Invasion Tora, Cleave Cooler, Beerus, Victorious Smile Pan, Punishment Devastating Beerus, Wings Spread / Cosmos Pan |
B | Wayward God Beerus, Magnificent Squadron Thouser, Thrill of the Fight Beerus, Definite Path Vados, Heinous Attack Cooler, Angelic Instruction Whis, Corroding Menace Super Baby 1, Storm of Terror Frieza, Low-Class, High-Octane Bardock, Grand Tour Companion Giru, Expanding Possibility Hit, Dominance Through Destruction Champa, Fictitious Universe’s Strongest Beerus , Resolute Execution Cooler, One Burter, Suppression Turles, Raditz, Namekian Mutation Lord Slug, Greedy Attack Mode Shugesh, Expert in Justice Kahseral, Yacchaina Fist Rozie, Battle-Hardened Hero Bardock, Death Match Vegeta, Confidence-Imbuing Moment Super Saiyan Trunks, Sibling Reunion Tarble, Daring Planetary Invasion Vegeta & Raditz, Magnificent Hunter Kakunsa, Horrific Super Energy Boujack, Feverish Battlefield Borgos, Swirling Ambition Turles, Infinite Power Borgos, Ginyu Force Reborn Ginyu, Cunning Moves Fasha, Grand Opening Team Bardock, Super Ribrianne, Power Demonstrated, Ruffian’s Strike Shugesh, Life of the Party Pan, Infinite Love Ribrianne, Evil Namekian Lord Slug, Super Baby 2 Rampaging Vengeance, Imprinted Discipline Whis, Courageous Clash Captain Ginyu, Super Saiyan Goku Battle of Epic, Tenacious Battlefield Diva Fasha, Ruthless Invader Raditz, Guide to the New Beyond Whis, Brianne de Chateau, The Ultimate Fighting Squadron Captain Ginyu, Tyrannical Maelstrom/Boujack |
Space Traveling Warriors Tier List – Gameinstants
Ya casi acabamos con las Tier List de Space Traveling Warriors y esta vez se trata de Game Instants, un portal de videojuegos en inglés que no deja de sorprendernos con su amplia variedad de géneros. No tenemos objeciones sobre esta tabla, ya que han sabido distribuirla en los niveles S, A y B. Al igual que en casos anteriores, hemos detectado que se van repitiendo entre los mejores guerreros a Murderous Overlord Boujack, Majesty of the Mighty Jiren, Reign of Terror Frieza y Team Turles.
Tier | Personaje |
S | Destroyers of the Universe Team Turles, Extreme Ultimate Power Cooler, Murderous Overlord Boujack, Galaxy-Threatening, Invasion Full Power Boujack (Galactic Warrior), Ultimate Malign Being Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape), Open The Gates of Hell Cooler (Final Form), Reign of Terror Frieza (1st Form), Hot-Blooded God of Destruction Beerus, Majesty of the Mighty Jiren (Full Power), Last-Ditch Attack Frieza (Full Power), Power Beyond Right and Wrong Toppo (God of Destruction Mode) , Rageful Erasure Frieza (Final Form), Explosive Evolution Turles |
A | Endless Adventure Goku (GT) & Pan (GT) & Trunks (GT), Rampaging Vicious Saiyans Nappa/Vegeta, Dazzling Life Force Bardock, Absolute Power Jiren, Devastating Punishment Beerus, Unprecedented Tension Vados, Almighty Cleave Cooler, Best Measure Whis, Earth-Piercing Light Frieza (Final Form), Explosive Super Elite Vegeta, Catastrophic Rage Frieza (Final Form), Evil Paralysis Zangya, Emperor’s Devotion Frieza (Full Power), Cold-Hearted Warrior Raditz, Umpire of Annihilation Beerus, Light to Protect Peace Toppo (Pride Troopers), Onslaught of Fire and Fury Dyspo (Super Speed Mode), Assassin’s Ultimate Technique Hit, Wings Spread Out to the Cosmos Pan (GT) (Honey), Victorious Smile Pan (GT), Total Invasion Tora, Evolution to Match Strength Hit, Plucky Low-Class Warrior Tora (Giant Ape) |
B | Magnificent Squadron Thouser (Cooler’s Armored Squad), Confidence-Imbuing Moment Super Saiyan Trunks (GT), Storm of Terror Frieza (2nd Form), Proudest Moment Brianne de Chateau, Resolute Execution Cooler (Final Form), Life of the Party Pan (GT), Swirling Ambition Turles (Giant Ape), Angelic Instruction Whis, Tyrannical Maelstrom Full Power Boujack, Namekian Mutation Lord Slug, Wayward God Beerus, Power Demonstrated in Clashes Bardock (Giant Ape), Charming Girl’s Dance Super Ribrianne, Daring Planetary Invasion Vegeta & Raditz (Kids), Master of the Yacchaina Fist Rozie, Absolute Suppression Turles, Magnificent Hunter Kakunsa, Grand Tour Companion Giru, Infinite Power Borgos, Battle-Hardened Hero Bardock, Ruffian’s Strike Shugesh, Heinous Attack Cooler (Final Form), Cunning Moves Fasha, Dominance Through Destruction Champa, Low-Class, High-Octane Bardock (Giant Ape), Evil Namekian Lord Slug (Giant Form), Expert in Justice Kahseral (Pride Troopers), Definite Path Vados, Rampaging Vengeance Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape), Imprinted Discipline Whis, Infinite Love Ribrianne (Giant Form), Ruthless Invader Raditz, Grand Opening Team Bardock, The Ultimate Fighting Squadron Captain Ginyu (Ginyu Force), Power for the Death-Match Vegeta (Giant Ape), Thrill of the Fight Beerus, Brutal Bind Guldo, Lethal Charge Recoome, Pride of the Fastest One Burter, Atrocious Crackdown Raditz (Giant Ape), Fictitious Universe’s Strongest Beerus (Monaka Costume), Horrific Super Energy Full Power Boujack, Expanding Possibility Hit, Battle of Epic Proportions Super Saiyan Goku (GT), Tenacious Battlefield Diva Fasha (Giant Ape) |

Space Traveling Warriors Tier List – DBZ Dokkan Fandom
Finalmente tenemos uno de nuestros sitios favoritos y son los fandom, ese espacio en el que solo los fanáticos más fieles sabemos que están las especificaciones de cada personaje a cabalidad. Una vez más no nos defraudaron y debemos decir que estamos ante la Tier List más completa de Dragon Ball Dokkan. Aparte de tener la Tier List dividida en cuatro niveles, también nos ofrecen los guerreros Support. Échales un ojo y elige a los que se posicionen en la parte superior.
Tier | Personaje |
S | Murderous Overlord Boujack, Planet-Crushing Blow Cooler (Final Form), Captain’s Ace in the Hole Captain Ginyu, Roar of Resentment Frieza (Full Power), Explosive Evolution Turles, Red and Blue Light Orbs Jeice & Burter, Brutal Power and Psychokinesis Recoome & Guldo, Destroyers of the Universe Team Turles, Galaxy-Threatening Invasion Full Power Boujack (Galactic Warrior), Heinous Attack Cooler (Final Form), Open The Gates of Hell Cooler (Final Form), Extreme Ultimate Power Cooler |
A | Eerie Sense of Despair Frieza (3rd Form), Last-Ditch Attack Frieza (Full Power), Reign of Terror Frieza (1st Form),Ultimate Malign Being Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape), Drive to Take Down Evil Pan (GT), Furious Last Resort Vegeta (Giant Ape), Planetary Invasion Event Fasha, Majesty of the Mighty Jiren (Full Power), Assassin’s Ultimate Technique Hit, Rageful Erasure Frieza (Final Form), Dazzling Life Force Bardock, Endless Adventure Goku (GT) & Pan (GT) & Trunks (GT), Reliable Intelligence Trunks (GT) & Giru, Self-Proclaimed Super Elite Jaco, Hot-Blooded God of Destruction Beerus, Courageous Clash Captain Ginyu, Pride of the Fastest One Burter, Lethal Charge Recoome, Brutal Bind Guldo, Universe of Justice’s Instructor Marcarita |
B | Best Measure Whis, Unprecedented Tension Vados, Unveiling of Power Raditz, Cruel Pursuit Nappa, Battle-Hardened Hero Bardock, Ruffian’s Strike Shugesh, Infinite Power Borgos, Cunning Moves Fasha, Global Harmony Through Destruction Beerus & Whis, Absolute Power Jiren, Devastating Punishment Beerus, Almighty Cleave Cooler, Atrocious Crackdown Raditz (Giant Ape), Power for the Death-Match Vegeta (Giant Ape), Explosive Super Elite Vegeta, Proudest Moment Brianne de Chateau, Catastrophic Rage Frieza (Final Form), Earth-Piercing Light Frieza (Final Form), Emperor’s Devotion Frieza (Full Power), Cold-Hearted Warrior Raditz, Evil Paralysis Zangya, Rampaging Vicious Saiyans Nappa/Vegeta, Light to Protect Peace Toppo (Pride Troopers), Combat Ability Beyond Calculations Super Saiyan Goku (GT), Onslaught of Fire and Fury Dyspo (Super Speed Mode), Tremendous Potential Hit, Umpire of Annihilation Beerus, Life of the Party Pan (GT), Victorious Smile Pan (GT), Confidence-Imbuing Moment Super Saiyan Trunks (GT), Saiyan Strike! Vegeta (Dokkan Butoden), Magnificent Squadron Thouser (Cooler’s Armored Squad), Storm of Terror Frieza (2nd Form), Swirling Ambition Turles (Giant Ape), Resolute Execution Cooler (Final Form) |
C | Tyrannical Maelstrom Full Power Boujack, Namekian Mutation Lord Slug, Sibling Reunion Tarble, Angelic Instruction Whis, Power Demonstrated in Clashes Bardock (Giant Ape), Wayward God Beerus, Daring Planetary Invasion Vegeta & Raditz (Kids), Master of the Yacchaina Fist Rozie, Charming Girl’s Dance Super Ribrianne, Magnificent Hunter Kakunsa, Grand Tour Companion Giru, Absolute Suppression Turles, Dominance Through Destruction Champa, Evil Namekian Lord Slug (Giant Form), Expert in Justice Kahseral (Pride Troopers), Low-Class, High-Octane Bardock (Giant Ape), Rampaging Vengeance Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape), Imprinted Discipline Whis, Definite Path Vados, Feverish Battlefield Borgos (Giant Ape), Ruthless Invader Raditz, Infinite Love Ribrianne (Giant Form), Thrill of the Fight Beerus, Fictitious Universe’s Strongest Beerus (Monaka Costume), Horrific Super Energy Full Power Boujack, Battle of Epic Proportions Super Saiyan Goku (GT), Tenacious Battlefield Diva Fasha (Giant Ape), Expanding Possibility Hit, Greedy Attack Mode Shugesh (Giant Ape), Corroding Menace Super Baby 1 |
Space Traveling Warriors Tier List – Support
Tier | Personaje |
S | Cheerful Scouting Lifestyle Cheelai, The Ultimate Fighting Squadron Captain Ginyu (Ginyu Force) |
A | Power Beyond Right and Wrong Toppo (God of Destruction Mode), Ginyu Force Reborn Ginyu (Goku) (Ginyu Force), Evolution to Match Strength Hit, Followers of His Ideals Zarbon & Dodoria |
B | Wings Spread Out to the Cosmos Pan (GT) (Honey), Pride of the Force Jeice, Total Invasion Tora, Grand Opening Team Bardock |
C | Demon of Destruction and Vengeance Super Garlic Jr., Swirling Dark Magic Darkness Towa, Ingenious Scientist’s Sorcery Demon Goddess Towa |

Es el turno de la Tier List de HDG, a partir del recojo de información y análisis de los portales gaming más especializados en Space Traveling Warriors hemos anotado las coincidencias y sugerencias de los jugadores más experimentados en la materia. Gracias a ello, en la siguiente tabla encontrarás la clasificación que necesitas para terminar de escoger a tu equipo de Dragon Ball y salvar el mundo otra vez.
Tier | Personaje |
Top | Murderous Overlord Boujack,Ultimate Power Cooler, Reign of Terror Frieza, God of Destruction Beerus, Team Turles, Galaxy-Threatening Invasion Boujack, Open The Gates of Hell Cooler |
Mid | Dazzling Life, Evil Paralysis Zangya, Catastrophic Rage Frieza, Devastating Punishment Beerus, Victorious Smile Pan, Assassin’s Ultimate Technique Hit |
Low | Brutal Bind Guldo, Greedy Attack Mode Shugesh (Giant Ape), Fictitious Universe’s Strongest Beerus (Monaka Costume), Daring Planetary Invasion Vegeta & Raditz (Kids), Magnificent Hunter Kakunsa |
Esperamos que este artículo te sea de mucha utilidad la próxima vez que ingreses a Space Traveling Warriors te sumerjas con toda la seguridad en el universo de Dragon Ball, que tantos recuerdos y alegrías nos dio a millones de personas de todas partes.