In an alternate future where humanity was on the brink of extinction, a world full of new threats emerges that offers us a unique adventure like the one presented by Borderlands. But, it wouldn’t be a story worth playing without characters helping us overcome every obstacle along the way. This is the reason why HDGamers brings you the best Borderlands 3 Amara Builds.
Without a doubt, this is one of the most practical characters in the entire game and we are not only talking about his versatility on the battlefield. Also for having a series of variants that will transform you into the king of the new world.
What are Borderlands 3 Amara Builds?
It should be noted that when we talk about Amara, we are referring to a character quite popular among players with a certain degree of experience in Borderlands. His fame can be linked to a number of factors such as power or agility, among others.
However, the prestige that he gained over the years was thanks to the unique way of improving it with each level. In other words, we mean that he represents quite a fun challenge in terms of the different configurations that we can obtain from his skill tree.
Unlike the Moze builds that we already discussed earlier in HDGamers, when we mentioned the builds Amara we have to consider the absence of a weapon as particular as the Iron Bear. But this is not an impediment and you will discover it with the Borderlands 3 Amara Builds that we have brought for you this time.
What are the best Borderlands 3 Amara Builds ?
Another aspect that makes Borderlands 3 Amara Builds an interesting topic is that very few stand out from the rest. Therefore, HDGamers brings you the best constructions for this character and how to create them.
- Matona.
- Elements Fist.
How do you get the best Borderlands 3 Amara Builds?
If you are a fan of Borderlands and are quite familiar with the game, you will find certain similarities with the builds of Axton and Maya of the second installment of this saga; however, you will always find some differences that will mark one character with respect to another. With that said, we’ll show you what you need to do to create the best Borderlands 3 Amara Builds.
One of the Amara buils most popular and practical in the game is Mátona. Mainly because it is a configuration that will allow it to be extremely lethal in close combat and close range.
Skill Tree: Level 1
- Skills to upload:
- Germination
- Effect
- Increases maximum Health.
- Effect
- Personal space
- Effect
- The shots will generate additional damage depending on the distance to the enemy: the closer, the more extra damage.
- Effect
- Clarity
- Effect
- Constantly regenerates health. The less health you have, the more powerful your regeneration.
- After using an Action Skill, the bonus is doubled for a few seconds.
- Effect
- Germination
Skill Tree: Level 2
- Skills to upload:
- Arms treaty
- Effect
- Increase splash damage and take less splash damage.
- Effect
- Samsara
- Effect
- When you deal damage to an enemy through an Action Skill, you gain a stack.
- Each stack increases weapon damage and health regeneration by a few seconds.
- Stacks are lost after a few seconds.
- Effect
- Hand (s) Friend (s)
- Effect
- For the seconds after using an Action Skill, Amara’s arms remain active and reduce damage taken.
- Effect
- Beast ofthe Plague
- Effect
- Converts Amara’s Action Skill damage type to corrosive damage.
- Effect
- Arms treaty
Skill Tree: Level 3
- Skills to upload:
- Fracture
- Effect
- Amara summons fists that appear from the ground and deal damage to enemies in front of her.
- Effect
- Awareness
- Effect
- When Amara takes damage she gains a stack, improving Shield Recharge Delay and Movement Speed.
- Effect
- Stacks disappear after a few seconds.
- Find your center
- Effect
- Increases melee damage and, for a few seconds after using this Skill.
- Effect
- Force
- Effect
- Kill an enemy with this Skill and provides increased team movement speed for a few seconds.
- Effect
- Revelation
- Effect
- A Nova is created when it damages enemies, also damaging nearby enemies
- Effect
- Fracture
Skill Tree: Level 4
- Skills to upload:
- Doom
- Effect
- Amara leaps into the air and fires an Elemental Bolt just below her, followed by a Strike
- Effect
- One with Nature
- Effect
- she Increases maximum Health and Elemental Damage Resistance to her Action Skill Element.
- Effect
- Doom
Skill Tree: Level 5
- Skills to upload:
- Preach by example
- Effect
- When an enemy deals damage, it launches an energy orb at him that deals Action Skill element damage.
- Effect
- Clean punch
- Effect
- When you deal melee damage, you gain more Action Skill Damage and Weapon Damage for a few seconds.
- Effect
- Guardian Angel
- Effect
- Fight for your life and immediately gain a Second Chance that creates a Nova Action that knocks back nearby enemies.
- Effect
- Charm
- Effect
- Enemies damaged by Amara’s Action Skill are temporarily confused and attack her allies.
- Effect
- Preach by example
Skill Tree: Level 6
- Skills to upload:
- Bombing
- Effect
- Disable melee damage.
- Effect
- Bombing
Elements Fist
As its name implies, its main focus is on using the elements to generate the damage that allows it to defeat its enemies. This makes the skill tree for this build a bit tricky to craft.
However, the quality of the damage it does is incredible so it is worth some effort to develop it.
Skill Tree: Level 1
- Skills to upload:
- Anima
- Effect
- Status Effects increase their damage over time and have a longer duration.
- Effect
- Steady Pulse
- Effect
- Stability and Accuracy Improvement. Increased Weapon handling and Accuary.
- Effect
- Infusion
- Effect
- With this ability convert a part of the damage done by Amara’s weapons.
- Effect
- Anima
Skill Tree: Level 2
- Skills to upload:
- Tempest
- Effect
- Amara deals more Elemental Damage and Electric Damage is increased even more.
- Effect
- Illuminated Fist
- Effect
- Melee Damage is increased and converted to his Action Skill Item.
- Effect
- Uncontrolled fire
- Effect
- When Amara applies a Status Effect to an enemy, there is a chance that the damage will spread to a nearby enemy.
- Effect
- Tempest
Skill Tree: Level 3
- Skills to upload:
- The Eternal Fist
- Effect
- Summons a giant fist from the ground that paralyzes the enemy for a few seconds. If the grabbed enemy dies, a new fist will appear to grab another enemy.
- Effect
- Dread
- Effect
- Weapon Damage increases a few seconds after an enemy is grabbed. When a player kills a grabbed enemy, his weapon reloads </ em> </ li>
- Effect
- Attraction
- Effect
- Create a singularity that absorbs enemies.
- Effect
- The Eternal Fist
Skill Tree: Level 4
- Skills to upload:
- Indiscrimination
- Effect
- Bullets that damage enemies have a chance to ricochet and deal more damage to nearby enemies.
- Effect
- Endless well
- Effect
- Increase the size of the elemental weapon magazine.
- Effect
- Catharsis
- Effect
- When Amara unleashes an elemental effect on an enemy, if that enemy dies it will then explode dealing damage from its equipped element along with any other element currently being dealt to that enemy. </ li >
- Effect
- Ties linking
- Effect
- Enemies near the grabbed target are connected and all damage dealt to one is shared among all connected enemies.
- Effect
- Indiscrimination
Skill Tree: Level 5
- Skills to upload:
- Fist wins everything
- Effect
- After grabbing an enemy, large fists appear that hit the area, damaging nearby enemies.
- Effect
- Livelihood
- Effect
- Amara steals health when she deals elemental damage with her weapon.
- Effect
- Confluence
- Effect
- When a status effect is applied to an enemy, Amara has a random chance to Shock, Burn, or Melt the enemy.
- Effect
- Fist wins everything
Skill Tree: Level 6
- Skills to upload:
- Energetic Expression
- Effect
- Amara’s pistols deal extra Elemental Damage based on her Action Skill Element.
- Effect
- Energetic Expression
Another great option for Borderlands 3 Amara Builds
If you think that these Borderlands 3 Amara Builds are not enough, HDGamers presents a small alternative that may turn out to be a slightly easier configuration to perform but with the same potential as those that we already present to you.
- Mystic Assailant.
How do I get this Amara build?
Having said all this, it only remains to show you how to distribute your points to get this construction that will surely give you great battles.
Mystic Assailant
Skill Tree: Level 1
- Skills to upload:
- Pupa
- Effect
- Killing an enemy gives you a stack of High.
- Activating the Action Skill consumes all stacks of Rush.
- Increase Action Skill Damage for each stack consumed.
- Effect
- Quick Hand (s)
- Effect
- Improved Reload Speed.
- The weapon change speed.
- The speed of mode change.
- Effect
- Tapestry of violence
- Effect
- Apply a Status Effect that gives Amara a stack of High.
- Activating this ability consumes all stacks of Rush.
- Increase the Chance of Status Effect for each stack consumed.
- Effect
- Pupa
Skill Tree: Level 2
- Skills to upload:
- Speed
- Effect
- Increase Reload Speed for each stack of High.
- Effect
- Transcendence
- Effect
- Increase Accuracy and Critical Hit Damage for a few seconds after activating this hability.
- Effect
- Tireless
- Effect
- Increase cooldown speed.
- Effect
- Mood Extraction
- Effect
- Amara’s Action ability is returned to her or a nearby ally in the form of health.
- Effect
- Speed
Skill Tree: Level 3
- Skills to upload:
- Release
- Effect
- When Astral Projection hits an enemy, it launches Elemental Projectiles that trigger its Action Skill Element Effect on enemies.
- Effect
- Ascension
- Effect
- All Action Skill Augments receive buffs.
- Effect
- Peace of Mind
- Effect
- Enemies damaged by Amara’s Action Skill remain phased until they take damage or the duration expires.
- Effect
- Release
Skill Tree: Level 4
- Skills to upload:
- Reverb
- Effect
- Increases the damage done by each enemy hit by Astral Projection.
- Effect
- At rest
- Effect
- Increases Rate of Fire and Charge Time.
- Effect
- Exhibition
- Effect
- Enemies take more damage from any source for seconds after taking damage from this ability.
- Effect
- Anger
- Effect
- Increase Weapon Damage.
- Effect
- Reverb
Skill Tree: Level 5
- Skills to upload:
- Scrap
- Effect
- When Amara kills an enemy with a Weapon or Action Skill, she creates a chasing projectile that seeks out a new enemy to deal Action Skill Element damage. Damage from previous annihilation is added to the projectile.
- Effect
- Wake up
- Effect
- Amara’s Rush stacks become more effective.
- Effect
- Tandava
- Effect
- Astral Projection explodes on impact with a target, damaging all nearby enemies.
- Effect
- Scrap
Skill Tree: Level 6
- Skills to upload:
- Avatar
- Effect
- Amara’s Action Skill can be activated during the cooldown.
- That ability can only be used once for each time the cooldown is completed.
- It also increases the Max stacks of Rush and, if the Action Skill kills an enemy, recovers half of their stacks of Rush.
- Effect
- Avatar
Latest recommendations about Amara buils
To end this extensive tour where we learned about the most important Borderlands 3 Amara Builds in the game, you might think that you just have to start your game and start enjoying them.
However, it is worth remembering that this is only a guide to give you an idea on how to create your character. Therefore, you have all the freedom to create your own adaptations of this practical and powerful character.
Before you finish, remember to visit some of our most read articles:
We hope you have enjoyed this post and that you found the information you were looking for. If you think that we should update any information about Borderlands 3 Amara Builds or that we have made a mistake, do not hesitate to write to us!