The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the most popular video games in recent years. That’s why from HDGamers we want to teach fans the best way to use the The Witcher 3 Console Commands, as well as a complete list of codes that will surely come in handy for your gaming experience.
The third part of the saga shows us the story of Geralt de Rivia, who will have to go through different adventures full of action, drama and intrigue, in a world where magic and fantasy are part of Your everyday life We hope you enjoy this The Witcher 3 Console Commands guide to the fullest and that you can get the most out of it.
How to Open the Console in The Witcher 3
If you are a regular The Witcher 3 player, you may have already discovered how to run the Console Commands and have no further doubts about it. However, we know that some have just begun and that is why here we will leave the steps that must be followed in order to enjoy the different codes in The Witcher 3.
- The first thing you should do is look for the “The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt” game folder.
- Now navigate to the “bin” folder, enter the “config” folder and finally enter the “base” folder.
- Within this directory you will have to find the file “general.ini”.
- Open it with Notepad
- Add the following line under [General]: “DBGConsoleOn = true” (without the quotes).
- Save the changes and close the file.
- Enter the video game and press the “~” key to open The Witcher 3 Console Commands.
For this whole process to go smoothly, it is essential that you have the latest version of Microsoft Redistributable x64. You probably won’t have problems, since it is updated with regular Windows installations, but if it fails, this could be a good clue to find a solution.
If you still don’t know how the matter is going, here we leave you a video in which the whole procedure is explained clearly and easily.
And now we go to the Cheats and Codes for The Witcher 3.
Cheats and Codes for The Witcher 3
In this section of the guide you will find a complete list with all the codes that you can enter in the The Witcher 3 Console Commands. Pay close attention and use all that you consider necessary, since the great purpose of this is to improve as much as possible Your gaming experience
- god – Enable invincibility.
- healme – Refill Geralt’s HP bar.
- ciri – Switch player character to Ciri.
- geralt – Revert player character to Geralt.
- setlevel (#) – Sets your player level. Example: setlevel (15)
- levelup – Advance player level by 1.
- addexp (#) – Adds specified amount of experience points. Example: addexp (25000)
- learnskill (skill) – Learns specified skill. Example: learnskill (sword_s3) Re-entering command will increase skill level.
- likeaboss – This is a toggle command (typing it again will turn it off). When likeaboss mode is enabled, all damage you deal will be 40% of the recipient’s maximum health level. If the NPC you damage has a maximum health of 10,000, with this mode enabled you would deal 4,000 damage with each hit.
- cat (1) – Activates night vision.
- cat (0) – Disables night vision.
- drunk (1) – Enables Drunk Mode.
- drunk (0) – Disables Drunk Mode.
- setbeard (1) – Grows a beard on Geralt.
- shave – Removes Geralt’s facial hair.
- seatattoo (1) – Enables tattoo from Witcher 2 save.
- seatattoo (0) – Removes tattoo from Witcher 2 save.
- additem (name, #) – Adds designated item (s) to inventory. Example: additem (Bear Armor 1,3) Specifying item quantities is optional.
- addmoney (#) – Adds specified amount of Crowns. Example: addmoney (100000)
- removemoney (#) – Removes specified number of Crowns. Example: removemoney (5)
addkeys – Gives you all keys required to open all doors. - spawn (name, #) – Spawns a specified amount of NPCs. Example: spawn (bear_grizzly, 50)
- killall – Kill all enemies engaged in combat.
- makeitrain – Toggle stormy weather.
- stoprain – Stops rain from falling.
- gotoNovigrad – Immediately fast-travel to Novigrad.
- gotoSkellige – Immediately fast-travel to the Skellige Isles.
- gotoKaerMorhen – Immediately fast-travel to Kaer Morhen.
- gotoProlog – Immediately fast-travel to White Orchard.
- gotoPrologWinter – Immediately fast-travel to White Orchard.
- showAllFT (1) – Discover all Signposts.
- showPins (1) – Discover all map icons and areas.
- secretgwint – Immediately play a round of Gwent anywhere.
- winGwint (#) – Win current Gwent game with specified number of power points.
- addgwintcards – Adds one of every Gwent card to your deck.
- additem (card, #) – Adds specified number of desired Gwent cards. Example:
- additem (gwint_card_werewolf, 10)
The Witcher 3 Weapons Codes
Here’s a complete list of The Witcher 3 Weapons Codes, which will surely help you face the different challenges of the story more easily. Use all that you find useful and do not hesitate to try different combinations.
- additem (‘Dwarven silver sword 1’)
- additem (‘Dwarven silver sword 2’)
- additem (‘Dwarven sword 1’)
- additem (‘Dwarven sword 2’)
- additem (‘Elven silver sword 1’)
- additem (‘Elven silver sword 2’)
- additem (‘Gnomish silver sword 1’)
- additem (‘Gnomish silver sword 2’)
- additem (‘Gnomish sword 1’)
- additem (‘Gnomish sword 2’)
- additem (‘Inquisitor sword 1’)
- additem (‘Inquisitor sword 2’)
- additem (‘Lengthy Metal Sword’)
- additem (‘Nilfgaardian sword 1’)
- additem (‘Nilfgaardian sword 2’)
- additem (‘Nilfgaardian sword three’)
- additem (‘Nilfgaardian sword four’)
- additem (‘No Mans Land sword 1 q2’)
- additem (‘No Mans Land sword 1’)
- additem (‘No Mans Land sword 2’)
- additem (‘No Mans Land sword three’)
- additem (‘No Mans Land sword four’)
- additem (‘Novigraadan sword 1’)
- additem (‘Novigraadan sword 2’)
- additem (‘Novigraadan sword three’)
- additem (‘Novigraadan sword four’)
- additem (‘Rusty Nilfgaardian sword’)
- additem (‘Rusty No Mans Land sword’)
- additem (‘Rusty Novigraadan sword’)
- additem (‘Rusty Skellige sword’)
- additem (‘Scoiatael sword 1’)
- additem (‘Scoiatael sword 2’)
- additem (‘Scoiatael sword three’)
- additem (‘Scoiatael sword four’)
- additem (‘Brief Metal Sword’)
- additem (‘Brief sword 1’)
- additem (‘Brief sword 2’)
- additem (‘Silver sword 1’)
- additem (‘Silver sword 2’)
- additem (‘Silver sword three’)
- additem (‘Silver sword four’)
- additem (‘Silver sword 5’)
- additem (‘Silver sword 6’)
- additem (‘Silver sword 7’)
- additem (‘Silver sword eight’)
- additem (‘Skellige sword 1’)
- additem (‘Skellige sword 2’)
- additem (‘Skellige sword four’)
- additem (‘sq304 Novigraadan sword four’)
- additem (‘Wild Hunt sword 1’)
- additem (‘Wild Hunt sword 2’)
- additem (‘Wild Hunt sword three’)
- additem (‘Wild Hunt sword four’)
- additem (‘Witcher Silver Sword’)
- additem (‘Picket sword’)
- additem (‘Bear Faculty Crossbow’)
- additem (‘Crossbow 1’)
- additem (‘Crossbow 2’)
- additem (‘Crossbow three’)
- additem (‘Crossbow four’)
- additem (‘Crossbow 5’)
- additem (‘Crossbow 6’)
- additem (‘Crossbow 7’)
- additem (‘Crossbow q206’)
- additem (‘Lynx Faculty Crossbow’)
Relic Swords:
- additem (‘Abarad’)
- additem (‘Addandeith’)
- additem (‘Aerondight’)
- additem (‘Anathema’)
- additem (‘Angivare’)
- additem (‘Anth’)
- additem (‘Arainne’)
- additem (‘Arbitrator’)
- additem (‘Ardaenye’)
- additem (‘Ashrune’)
- additem (‘Azurewrath’)
- additem (‘Barbersurgeon’)
- additem (‘Beannshie’)
- additem (‘Blackunicorn’)
- additem (‘Bladeofys’)
- additem (‘Bloedeaedd’)
- additem (‘Bloodsword’)
- additem (‘Breathofthenorth’)
- additem (‘Fall down’)
- additem (‘Caroline’)
- additem (‘Cheesecutter’)
- additem (‘Cleaver’)
- additem (‘Dancer’)
- additem (‘Daystar’)
- additem (‘Deargdeith’)
- additem (‘Deireadh’)
- additem (‘Deithwen’)
- additem (‘Devine’)
- additem (‘Dyaebl’)
- additem (‘Destiny’)
- additem (‘Forgottenvransword’)
- additem (‘Gloryofthenorth’)
- additem (‘Gwestog’)
- additem (‘Gwyhyr’)
- additem (‘Gynvael’)
- additem (‘Gynvaelaedd’)
- additem (‘Harpy’)
- additem (‘Harvall’)
- additem (‘Havcaaren’)
- additem (‘Headtaker’)
- additem (‘Hjalmar_Short_Steel_Sword’)
- additem (‘Inis’)
- additem (‘Karabela’)
- additem (‘Loathen’)
- additem (‘Longclaw’)
- additem (‘Lune’)
- additem (‘Moonblade’)
- additem (‘Mourner’)
- additem (‘Naevdeseidhe’)
- additem (‘Negotiator’)
- additem (‘Princessxenthiasword’)
- additem (‘Reachofthedamned’)
- additem (‘Robustswordofdolblathanna’)
- additem (‘Roseofaelirenn’)
- additem (‘Tlareg’)
- additem (‘Torlara’)
- additem (‘Torzirael’)
- additem (‘Ultimatum’)
- additem (‘Virgin’)
- additem (‘Vynbleidd’)
- additem (‘Weeper’)
- additem (‘WitcherSilverWolf’)
- additem (‘Wolf’)
- additem (‘Zerrikanterment’)
We hope that this guide to use The Witcher 3 Console Commands has been to your liking and that you can find without problems the different codes that you have been looking for. Good luck in your adventure!